United Women In Faith is a faith organization for women with approximately one million members whose mission is fostering spiritual growth, developing leaders and advocating for justice. Members raise nearly $25 million each year for programs and projects related to women, children and youth in the United States and in more than 100 countries around the world.
At Emory Church, the United Women In Faith delight in coming together for praise, prayer and supportive fellowship. We focus on mission and service to others to improve our community and world. We work for the betterment of our world through participation in local and global ministries with love, prayer, gifts and time.
Through the work and dedication of our United Women In Faith at Emory, we are able to provide school kits with supplies for children in need at the beginning of each school year; package personal care kits for members of the military abroad; provide fruit baskets for shut-ins at the holidays; and provide funding to benefit the Board of Child Care as well as missions in Haiti.
All women of the Church are invited to attend any of the United Women In Faith meetings and monthly luncheons. The women meet the second Wednesday of each month at noon at the church. Any changes to the times and locations are listed in the Emory Epistle and church bulletin.